Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Well I did it...

I finally went and got a job. I'll be working as an office assistant at a local grocery chain. I'm happy with it. It has the prospects of being an actual career and not just a job. Nicky is going to pre-school in the fall so I need something to do, right? Let's not even talk about the rising prices of gas and groceries or I may get physically ill. I've really been neglecting this poor little blog. I will do better. :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our no good, very bad week

So, Monday Joey calls me from the school to come get him. He sounds terrified. He gets home and tells me that some thug in his history class ASSumed he was laughing at him and starting throwing pens, pencils, highlighters, and books at the back of his head and then physically hit him in the back of the head. The substitute didn't notice and Joey didn't tell because if you "snitch" you are dead. Anyway, Joey came out after school to walk home (we live right behind the school) and this thug and his gang (they are part of the bloods gang, apparently) were waiting for him. That's when he went back in and called for a ride. After we were home, about an hour later, Joey's best friend shows up and says the thug told him to give Joey a message that he was going to kill him tomorrow. I flipped at that point and called the police. They took the report and told me I would have to go to the Juvenile Court to actually press charges. The next morning we got up and went and filed aggravated assault and battery charges. They couldn't do anything about the death threat since it was given to a third party and not directly to my son. My son was so traumatized by all this he began having horrible panic attacks where his body gets covered with hives and he is terrified to leave the house. I took him to a p doc and they put him on meds. Anyway, Joey had been constantly coming home and telling me things that were going on in the school. 2 people got arrested for dealing drugs, 1 got arrested for buying drugs, someone burnt down the bathroom (same kid that hit Joey), and teachers were being assaulted. I just had enough. This is supposed to be a good school district and we live in a good neighborhood. I pulled Joey out of school that day and submitted the paperwork to homeschool for the rest of this year and next. I'm terrified. I'm absolutely stinking horrible at math and Joey is brilliant and very advanced for his age. He's taking 9th grade classes. I just want to keep my boy safe though. He should not have to be dealing with this crap at 12 years old. The thug is still passing on threats to Joey through Joey's best friend (they walk the same route home). He's now threatening to spray paint our house and cars. Ugh. Okay, this is way long but I had to get it off my chest. I hope I'm doing the right thing. We are getting involved with a homeschool co-op and a homeschool support group that does social activities and whatnot. Send up a prayer that all goes well and I don't turn my child stupid.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The day after...

Here's a picture of Nicky's eye the day after the boo boo. It looks so much worse now. It's awful. Poor kid.

It just hit me HARD

I was just over at my Dad's house helping him pack up for Japan. He'll be over there alone on sea duty for 2 years. I hadn't really faced it until now. Watching him pack though, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm a mess. Can't quit crying. I can't even explain what this feels like. My Dad is who I call when I need advice, need help with something, or need spiritual guidance. E-mail's just not gonna cut it. Blah. I can't even write anymore about it right now. I'm sobbing too hard.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A very bad day...

Nicky has stitches right above his eye. Around his eye is hugely swollen and black. His cousin was swinging a metal bat and Nicky walked right into it. I almost passed out when I saw him come inside. He looked like he had walked out of a horror movie. Blood everywhere and TONS of it. I, of course, immediately had a massive panic attack. So did Joey. He actually panicked so bad he got hives. I do great when it's anyone but one of my kids. Anyway, I'm really grateful that it wasn't worse. I'm grateful that it wasn't a skull fracture or eye bone fracture or his eyeball. So grateful. At the same time, I'm terrified of him sleeping tonight. I'm gonna be up all night checking on him. For the rest of the very bad day story, head over to Priscilla's blog.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Our new baby

We got a new puppy yesterday. We took one look into her eyes and fell straight in love. She's a toy rat terrier and she is bouncy and playful. She has our big, fat, lazy beagle running from her. She really likes his long ears. She rears up like a grizzly bear. She's only about a pound so it's really funny! Her name is Bella. Here are some pictures....
Joey with Bella

Bella knocked out in Daddy's lap after playing with her favorite toys, Snoopy and Nicky...

Friday, April 18, 2008

My little cutie

Nicky got a new outfit and new sandals and he was so proud to show them off. He looked so cute so, of course, my sister had to make a scrap layout of him. It came out gorgeous. Feel free to visit her blog for more beautiful scraps, freebies, and layout ideas. She's Twinsanity on my sidebar.

PSA : Since you're here, why not click on my google ads at the top or google something from my google toolbar at the bottom of my blog and earn me a few pennies. Thanks in advance! :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


If you need scrapbooking done and love the digital scraps that are on my page, please visit my sister's website. She's listed as Priscilla's House of Twinsanity on my sidebar. She is making a business out of her scrapbooking/photography talents and I'm so damn proud of her! She has great prices. Let her save you the time and monotony of scrapbooking all your memories. :)


I'm so bored. Seriously bored. All my housework is done. The kids are playing quietly and have no interest in me whatsoever. Dh has duty and won't be home until tomorrow. What's a girl to do? I need a hobby. I wish I could knit or crochet or do needlepoint. Something. Anything. I also need sun. We haven't seen the sun here in over a week. It's gray and dreary and it just plain sucks. Funnily enough, in my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA, they are having 70+ degree weather and constant sun. Grrrrrr! Well, I guess I'll go read www.perezhilton.com. That should provid me with a few minutes of interest. Peace out!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Menstrual whaaaaaaaaaat?

So, Thing 1 is taking Family Life this week. He comes home yesterday and I jokingly ask if he learned what a penis and a vagina are. He says "Nope, we learned about girls' periods. You know their menstrualbation." MENSTRUALBATION. Seriously. I think he has a couple things confused. Of course, I laughed my ass off and had to call and out him to Master P and her dh. My dh was overcome with laughter and we tortured the poor kid about it for the rest of the night. We will no doubt torture him with this for the rest of his life. LMAO!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This is my week off. It's spring break and I don't have to work so I'm supposed to get to sleep in, right? Apparently not. Dh called me at 6:45 to wake me up because he had to take one of his boat rejects to court. Grrrrrrrr. I hate getting up early when I don't have to. Not too much else going around here. Dh is still nursing that hurt leg. The "physical therapy" that they're subjecting him to is close to torture and he comes home more black and blue and swollen every day. I kept my niece, Breanna overnight last night. She is such a joy. I love having a little girl that I can play dress up with and play with make-up and girly things. I'd keep her but my sister would probably get a little pissed since it's her only girl out of 5 kids. Maybe I can hide her when she comes to get her and say she went on a cruise? Ya think that would work? LOL! Love you, Cilla.

Nicky is as preposterous as ever. His latest thing to run around saying is "I want a girlfriend so I can kiss her". No idea where he gets the things that run through his brain. I keep telling him no girlfriends allowed until he's 30. Yeah right. LOL!

Joey is his usual angst filled, almost a teenager self. He spins between love and hate in seconds. There is lots of eye rolling, back talk and general shitty looks and sounds that come from his direction. Parents are just sooooooooo MEAN! He sure is wonderful when he's lovey though. I have a feeling we are just beginning and soon I won't even know this child. It makes me sad.

Anyway, that's all for me today. I gotta get off here and run to the doctor's. More later......

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

It's been a wonderful weekend. Yesterday we worked pretty hard all day at replacing the sand in our pool filter. Boy is that an undertaking. Thank goodness it only has to be done once every 3-4 years or so. We went over to my best friend/sister's house yesterday afternoon. We ate awesome food, had a bonfire, and played cards. It's our usual Saturday routine and I live for it. It's easily the best day of my week.

The boys got up this morning and hunted for the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid. They had a blast. They then found their baskets and were overjoyed at what they found in them. Thing 2 was stocked with Thomas the train stuff, of course. Thing 1 was movies, CD's and other random stuff. It brings me such joy to see the happiness on their little faces. They are growing up so fast and I feel like it's just flying by. Bah, I'm not going to go getting all melancholy now so I'm signing off. Happy Easter, all!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Here is my niece, Kelly at 2.5ish months old. She is such a sweet baby. She is smiling and cooing and laughing. She just tickles us and makes us so happy. On another note, her stupid 21 year old, college student mom is having a boob job today. Can you say stupid? I love my sister to death but this is a really stupid decision. Breast cancer runs rampant in the family and from what I hear, you can't feel lumps with fake boobies. Niiiiiiiiice decision! Grrrrrrrr. Anyway, look at the cuteness that is my niece...

Monday, March 17, 2008

More paintball casualties

We went and played paintball again. I had my turn at injury with the broken finger. It was dh's turn. He was pretending he was Lara Croft or Mr. Smith or something and jumped in a hole. He tore the major muscles in his calf really badly. He's now on a serious regimen of physical therapy and is on crutches. When he's not in so much pain, I laugh immensely at him and call him names like Gimpy McCrutch. LMAO! He then tries to hit me with said crutch. Good times. LOL! I guess it's Joey's turn next. Doh! I can't wait to go play again but the docs say that it'll be 6-8 weeks before dh's leg is healed. I'm gonna have to start chasing kids around the neighborhood and shooting them with my splat gun. LOL! I need my fix!

Nicky's Birthday

My Nicky turned 4. Where does the time go? Seriously. It seems like just yesterday that he was born and now he's a big boy (or so he says. He's still my baby). My best friend did a couple of cute scrap pages for his birthday. (check out her blog. It's listed on my sidebar under Twinsanity) Here they are. Mind that I was attempting to grow out his hair. I have since changed my mind because I couldn't stand him looking so scraggly and people mistaking him for a girl. Cilla cut his hair the other weekend and he looks endearingly boylike now. Anyway, here's her scraps. She's so dang talented...

Here's a picture of him with his "big" birthday present...his big boy bike! Yay! It's all Spiderman. He loves it!

Happy Birthday, sweet boy. Mommy loves you with all of her heart!

A girl, a mirror and a Starbucks

Yet another blooper. I guess I have to blog about it before Cilla does. She will throw me under the bus in a heartbeat. LOL! Wench!

So, Stan pulled my car into the garage really close to the side because it was supposed to snow and God forbid he have to scrape snow. The HORROR! So, he had to make his car fit in the garage amongst all his shit. The next day, I was pulling out and forgot and smacked the side of the garage with my driver's side mirror. I obliterated it. Seriously obliterated. My husband, being the good guy that he is (sometimes LOL) got a new one and fixed it for me. Awwwwww. A few days later, I made a run to Starbucks. (I consider this not my fault because I hadn't had my coffee yet) Starbucks has a tip jar hanging off the side of the drive-thru. Yeah, I hit it. Their tips went everywhere. I was mortified. I was so close to the building that I couldn't even get my door open to pick them up. They said it was okay and they would get them so I drove off with my little coffee feeling more than a little bit embarrassed. The next day, my husband asks me why I'm storing a quarter in my window. Huh? OMG! It's one of the Starbucks tips. I have overtipped them like crazy ever since. Yet another blooper in my life of bloopers. I must try and avoid hitting things. Yes indeed.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Paintball is addictive! It's like a drug. Seriously. I don't think I've ever had so much fun. The paintball park we went to is in the woods and is a whole lot of scenario type games. It was a friggin' blast! We now have our own paintball equipment (rental stuff blows) and will be paintballing quite frequently. We played all day Saturday. I managed to avoid being hit anyplace other than my facemask for the first few games because I was so terrified it was going to hurt. After that, I said screw it and got hardcore in the game. One game we were "defending the fort" and I watched all the manly men get picked off one by one around me. Not looking good. LOL! It came down to just me left in the fort. I watched the other team (teams were about 50 people each) line up along the fence and aim at me. I said a little prayer cause I just knew that was about to HURT like crazy! Tons of paintballs came flying at me. The ref wasn't calling me out though (I think the bastard was amused lol) so I stood my ground as long as I could. After being hit for about the 45th time, I said "okay, okay I'm out" and surrendered. I did manage to kill anyone who tried to sneak into my fort though up until that point. I was so proud. I ended up with 2 pretty nice welts for that one. Didn't really hurt. Adrenaline is running so high that you barely feel it. It's kind of like being plucked with a rubber band. Next scenario, the other team was defending the fort. I find myself holed up in a bunker (close to the fort) with 4 Marines. There was my downfall. They were kinda dumb and were drawing all kinds of fire. I ended up getting shot in the middle finger and it broke. Oops. Good thing I have all that nursing training behind me. I set my own bone when we were done and splinted it. Why go sit in the ER for 6 hours for something I can do myself? So, 2 welts and a broken finger later and I can't wait to go this weekend. I must be mad! Thing 2 is thoroughly addicted too. I was so impressed with how he manned up and took being shot. I really thought he'd whine and cry. I'm pretty sure dh thinks of himself as Rambo. LOL! Anyway, it was a great day and great family bonding experience. Nothing like shooting each other to bring a family closer.

A small Thing 1 funny:
I was babysitting my niece, Kelly on Friday. She was apparently trying to suck her fingers and got them into quite a position. Nick comes running up to me and screams, "LOOK MOM! Kelly's throwing up the horns and rocking out". I almost peed myself. He is a perfect combo of dh and I. The kid is straight up funny. I cannot believe he's going to be 4 next month. Where does the time go?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

We usually don't take part in the Hallmark holiday. With that said, every couple of years dh loses his mind, errrrrr I mean gets really sweet and goes all out. This year was one of those years. Usually he's unable to surprise me. With some ingenuity and some help from my sister, he actually surprised me. He got me a beautiful diamond and ruby journey pendant. It's got 5 rubies; one for each 2 years we've been together. It's gorgeous and was so sweet and thoughtful of him. He actually spent time and energy stressing and picking it out. I was so happy. He really is a wonderful husband. He also made me dinner. That NEVER happens. I'm starting to think he was abducted by aliens and is a fake. LOL! It was a good day. :)

With all that said, the psycho man has talked me into playing paintball on Saturday with him and his Navy buddies. Me and a bunch of macho men (who got their butts whooped last Saturday by a group of 7 year olds *snicker*). Oh my oh my. I've heard paintball hurts. I don't like hurt. Ahhh well. I'm trying to do some things that he likes to do so that maybe he'll reciprocate. I'm so making him go ice skating for this one. More on this when we get back, if I survive.....

Happy Valentine's Day to my friends. I love you guys. You mean the world to me and life would just suck without you. I couldn't put a pricetag on what we've been through together and will continue to go through for the next 50 or so years. Love you!

Friday, February 8, 2008


The season of Lent began on Wednesday. My husband and I were discussing it last night. I'm Lutheran and he was raised Mormon, but is inactive. He had no idea what Lent was or represents. That's okay. I wouldn't expect him too. However, he cracked me up hard when he said, "I just assumed it was the past tense of lend". Oh my, another "ism". LMAO! In case you're interested, here's the proper definition of Lent, as borrowed from Wiki.
Lent, in most Christian denominations, is the forty-day liturgical season of fasting and prayer before Easter.[1] The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the desert, where, according to the Bible, he endured temptation by Satan.[2] Different churches will calculate the forty days differently.

The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial—for the annual commemoration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, as celebrated during Holy Week, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 4, 2008

My god-daughter's baptism

was this weekend. It was a beautiful baptism. She is a beautiful baby. I held all Saturday and Sunday except when she needed to go to Mom to feed. She is so wonderful. Stan and Joey were a little upset because I wouldn't share her very much. LOL! Hey, I have to get my baby fix somehow. Dale and Heather's other 2 daughters, Allison and Elicia are getting so big and pretty. Nicky and Joey had a great time with them. Stan and Dale had to get in a few hours of Guild Wars, of course. (I'm completely rolling my eyes as I typed that) Anyway, it was a nice weekend, although I missed my other 4 darlings, B,S,J & J. Can't wait til next weekend to see them. Hopefully the icky sickies will stay away from both of our houses so I don't have to go 3 whole weeks without seeing them. Here's a picture.....

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I am so bored. I'm bored of being bored. Seriously. How can that even be? I need a hobby or something. My darling husband has caught himself a cold so we weren't able to go to P's house this weekend, which has just added to my state of BOREDOM. Thing 1 hasn't come out of his room all day. Methinks he needs a playstation intervention. I added a new music playlist to my blog (thanks to Master Yoda heehee). It's pink and it plays a few of my favorite songs. :) That, at least, makes me happy. Nothing else exciting to blog about. Guess I'll go back to staring at the walls......

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I have lost 10% of my body weight! It's such a huge achievement for me and I've never been prouder! I'm literally jumping for joy! More later....thing to do.....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My 3 year old slays me

He really does. He comes up with the most astronomical things. I was holding my god-daughter a few weeks ago. Her name is Katelyn but I call her Katy. My sister's name is also Katie. So here's our conversation...

Me : Nicky, do you know who this is?
N : nope
Me: This is baby Katy.
*His eyes get as huge as saucers at this point*
N : OH MY GOSH Mom! How did Katie turn back into a baby? Will I turn back into a baby?

He was utterly horrified at the prospect. I had to explain to him that it was a different Katy and that people don't turn back into babies. All the while, I was uncontrollably laughing.

He cracks me up daily. He never fails to have some observation that is just hysterical. I want to start writing them down here so that I don't forget and also so that other people can get a good laugh along with me. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Weight Watchers

I suppose I should blog to you about my weight loss journey so far. I started in Oct. 2007 at 257 lbs. I had no idea I weighed that much. Total denial. I went to the doctor's and she told me I had type 2 diabetes. She then told me all the complications and ramifications of the disease. It scared the crap out of me so I decided right then and there to get my butt to Weight Watchers and drop this weight. I've been working this plan steadily and I weighed in this morning (as I do every Saturday morning). I'm down 23 lbs. I continue to amaze myself. This is not a diet to me. This is something I can do for the rest of my life. The best thing about it is that I no longer show any signs of diabetes. NONE whatsoever. I also feel so much better and have more self confidence. I am not just a number on a scale for sure but I want to hold my grandbabies and be able to run around with them. I was so tired of being tired. Tired of not being able to do anything with my kids that didn't involve sitting. I can now go run around with them and not even get winded. It's the best feeling in the world. I guess the summary is, I love Weight Watchers and I love ME! Whodathunkit?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This is our god-daughter, Katelyn Elizabeth. She was born Nov. 26th. about 6 weeks early. She was 6 lbs. at birth and now she's about the same size as Kelly. I held her all day Saturday and it was one of the highlights of my life. She's a sweet baby that doesn't really fuss. She just makes really funny noises in her sleep all the time. We'll be going up to their place Feb. 1st for her baptism. I can't wait to see her again.

Here is my new niece, Kelly Payton. She's such a snuggly little ball of wonderfulness. Another good baby, that doesn't really cry. I haven't spent much time with her but I'm in love. Serious love. Unlike Katy Beth, she doesn't make too many funny noises but the faces she makes are hysterical. She reminds me of her mommy in a big way. It's still so weird to me that my baby sister has a baby. Weird but good. I love this kid.

So here are Thing 1 and Thing 2. Aren't they cute? Looks can be sooooooo deceiving. LOL!

Hubby and I are in the pic too. Of course, I got caught with my eyes closed. It was almost a really nice picture. *sigh*

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Rest In Peace

My Uncle Michael died in the night last night. It's been coming for awhile but it doesn't make it easier. He was way too young. Only in his 40's. 46 to be exact. I can't get home to Pittsburgh for the funeral because of several factors, but my heart and prayers are with my Aunt Amy right now. I just took my mom to the airport. Hopefully her presence will help Amy through this most difficult time. Rest in peace, Mike.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Babies on the brain

Have I mentioned the cuteness that is my new niece? She is freakin' adorable! She was born on Dec. 30th. Can you say tax refund? My sister sure can. LOL! Anyway, she gave my sister a terrible time during labor. She decided she was coming out face up. Actually, she kinda decided she wasn't going to come out at all. My poor sister (who is the tiniest thing, incidentally), pushed for 3 hours straight and finally had to be cut pretty badly to get the baby out. The little heifer came out at 9 lbs. 1.2 oz. 20&3/4 inches long. She is so beautiful, especially now that the vaccuum marks and the conehead are gone. She is just a little slice of heaven. Her name is Kelly Payton and she wrapped me around her finger from the first second I laid eyes on her. So, now I've got a serious case of baby lust. I want one. Now. I don't want to be pregnant and puke for nine months (as I always do). I don't want to get all huge and miserable. I just want the baby. Can we go with the stork theory and just have one dropped off? That would be great. Seriously. So, I don't quite have this blog thing figured out yet. I will have to get my best friend to give me a tutorial for dummies so I can post a picture of Kelly. I haven't even showed you pictures of my kids, Thing 1 and Thing 2. They're coming. I will get Master Yoda (aka Priscilla) to show me how tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

It's officially a new year. Of course, my life is one big blooper after another. I dropped my best friend's very expensive, very brand new, very awesome camera and broke (read: annihilated) it. Other than that, it was a fantastic holiday season. I got to spend Christmas with my husband and kids and other extended family and friends. On the 30Th, I got to watch my beautiful niece come into this world. I got to spend my New Year with the best friends a person could ever have. Life is good. I'd love to show you pics of our New Year celebration but what with the broken camera incident, that's just not happening. Oy. Anyway, I'm tired and sore and hoping that I will wake up to a better New Year with less bloopers. Happy 2008, everyone!