Saturday, January 12, 2008

Weight Watchers

I suppose I should blog to you about my weight loss journey so far. I started in Oct. 2007 at 257 lbs. I had no idea I weighed that much. Total denial. I went to the doctor's and she told me I had type 2 diabetes. She then told me all the complications and ramifications of the disease. It scared the crap out of me so I decided right then and there to get my butt to Weight Watchers and drop this weight. I've been working this plan steadily and I weighed in this morning (as I do every Saturday morning). I'm down 23 lbs. I continue to amaze myself. This is not a diet to me. This is something I can do for the rest of my life. The best thing about it is that I no longer show any signs of diabetes. NONE whatsoever. I also feel so much better and have more self confidence. I am not just a number on a scale for sure but I want to hold my grandbabies and be able to run around with them. I was so tired of being tired. Tired of not being able to do anything with my kids that didn't involve sitting. I can now go run around with them and not even get winded. It's the best feeling in the world. I guess the summary is, I love Weight Watchers and I love ME! Whodathunkit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I am so happy for you! You are doing such an amazing job!

Love ya!