Sunday, January 27, 2008


I am so bored. I'm bored of being bored. Seriously. How can that even be? I need a hobby or something. My darling husband has caught himself a cold so we weren't able to go to P's house this weekend, which has just added to my state of BOREDOM. Thing 1 hasn't come out of his room all day. Methinks he needs a playstation intervention. I added a new music playlist to my blog (thanks to Master Yoda heehee). It's pink and it plays a few of my favorite songs. :) That, at least, makes me happy. Nothing else exciting to blog about. Guess I'll go back to staring at the walls......

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I have lost 10% of my body weight! It's such a huge achievement for me and I've never been prouder! I'm literally jumping for joy! More later....thing to do.....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My 3 year old slays me

He really does. He comes up with the most astronomical things. I was holding my god-daughter a few weeks ago. Her name is Katelyn but I call her Katy. My sister's name is also Katie. So here's our conversation...

Me : Nicky, do you know who this is?
N : nope
Me: This is baby Katy.
*His eyes get as huge as saucers at this point*
N : OH MY GOSH Mom! How did Katie turn back into a baby? Will I turn back into a baby?

He was utterly horrified at the prospect. I had to explain to him that it was a different Katy and that people don't turn back into babies. All the while, I was uncontrollably laughing.

He cracks me up daily. He never fails to have some observation that is just hysterical. I want to start writing them down here so that I don't forget and also so that other people can get a good laugh along with me. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Weight Watchers

I suppose I should blog to you about my weight loss journey so far. I started in Oct. 2007 at 257 lbs. I had no idea I weighed that much. Total denial. I went to the doctor's and she told me I had type 2 diabetes. She then told me all the complications and ramifications of the disease. It scared the crap out of me so I decided right then and there to get my butt to Weight Watchers and drop this weight. I've been working this plan steadily and I weighed in this morning (as I do every Saturday morning). I'm down 23 lbs. I continue to amaze myself. This is not a diet to me. This is something I can do for the rest of my life. The best thing about it is that I no longer show any signs of diabetes. NONE whatsoever. I also feel so much better and have more self confidence. I am not just a number on a scale for sure but I want to hold my grandbabies and be able to run around with them. I was so tired of being tired. Tired of not being able to do anything with my kids that didn't involve sitting. I can now go run around with them and not even get winded. It's the best feeling in the world. I guess the summary is, I love Weight Watchers and I love ME! Whodathunkit?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This is our god-daughter, Katelyn Elizabeth. She was born Nov. 26th. about 6 weeks early. She was 6 lbs. at birth and now she's about the same size as Kelly. I held her all day Saturday and it was one of the highlights of my life. She's a sweet baby that doesn't really fuss. She just makes really funny noises in her sleep all the time. We'll be going up to their place Feb. 1st for her baptism. I can't wait to see her again.

Here is my new niece, Kelly Payton. She's such a snuggly little ball of wonderfulness. Another good baby, that doesn't really cry. I haven't spent much time with her but I'm in love. Serious love. Unlike Katy Beth, she doesn't make too many funny noises but the faces she makes are hysterical. She reminds me of her mommy in a big way. It's still so weird to me that my baby sister has a baby. Weird but good. I love this kid.

So here are Thing 1 and Thing 2. Aren't they cute? Looks can be sooooooo deceiving. LOL!

Hubby and I are in the pic too. Of course, I got caught with my eyes closed. It was almost a really nice picture. *sigh*

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Rest In Peace

My Uncle Michael died in the night last night. It's been coming for awhile but it doesn't make it easier. He was way too young. Only in his 40's. 46 to be exact. I can't get home to Pittsburgh for the funeral because of several factors, but my heart and prayers are with my Aunt Amy right now. I just took my mom to the airport. Hopefully her presence will help Amy through this most difficult time. Rest in peace, Mike.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Babies on the brain

Have I mentioned the cuteness that is my new niece? She is freakin' adorable! She was born on Dec. 30th. Can you say tax refund? My sister sure can. LOL! Anyway, she gave my sister a terrible time during labor. She decided she was coming out face up. Actually, she kinda decided she wasn't going to come out at all. My poor sister (who is the tiniest thing, incidentally), pushed for 3 hours straight and finally had to be cut pretty badly to get the baby out. The little heifer came out at 9 lbs. 1.2 oz. 20&3/4 inches long. She is so beautiful, especially now that the vaccuum marks and the conehead are gone. She is just a little slice of heaven. Her name is Kelly Payton and she wrapped me around her finger from the first second I laid eyes on her. So, now I've got a serious case of baby lust. I want one. Now. I don't want to be pregnant and puke for nine months (as I always do). I don't want to get all huge and miserable. I just want the baby. Can we go with the stork theory and just have one dropped off? That would be great. Seriously. So, I don't quite have this blog thing figured out yet. I will have to get my best friend to give me a tutorial for dummies so I can post a picture of Kelly. I haven't even showed you pictures of my kids, Thing 1 and Thing 2. They're coming. I will get Master Yoda (aka Priscilla) to show me how tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

It's officially a new year. Of course, my life is one big blooper after another. I dropped my best friend's very expensive, very brand new, very awesome camera and broke (read: annihilated) it. Other than that, it was a fantastic holiday season. I got to spend Christmas with my husband and kids and other extended family and friends. On the 30Th, I got to watch my beautiful niece come into this world. I got to spend my New Year with the best friends a person could ever have. Life is good. I'd love to show you pics of our New Year celebration but what with the broken camera incident, that's just not happening. Oy. Anyway, I'm tired and sore and hoping that I will wake up to a better New Year with less bloopers. Happy 2008, everyone!