Thursday, January 17, 2008

My 3 year old slays me

He really does. He comes up with the most astronomical things. I was holding my god-daughter a few weeks ago. Her name is Katelyn but I call her Katy. My sister's name is also Katie. So here's our conversation...

Me : Nicky, do you know who this is?
N : nope
Me: This is baby Katy.
*His eyes get as huge as saucers at this point*
N : OH MY GOSH Mom! How did Katie turn back into a baby? Will I turn back into a baby?

He was utterly horrified at the prospect. I had to explain to him that it was a different Katy and that people don't turn back into babies. All the while, I was uncontrollably laughing.

He cracks me up daily. He never fails to have some observation that is just hysterical. I want to start writing them down here so that I don't forget and also so that other people can get a good laugh along with me. :)

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