Monday, March 17, 2008

Nicky's Birthday

My Nicky turned 4. Where does the time go? Seriously. It seems like just yesterday that he was born and now he's a big boy (or so he says. He's still my baby). My best friend did a couple of cute scrap pages for his birthday. (check out her blog. It's listed on my sidebar under Twinsanity) Here they are. Mind that I was attempting to grow out his hair. I have since changed my mind because I couldn't stand him looking so scraggly and people mistaking him for a girl. Cilla cut his hair the other weekend and he looks endearingly boylike now. Anyway, here's her scraps. She's so dang talented...

Here's a picture of him with his "big" birthday present...his big boy bike! Yay! It's all Spiderman. He loves it!

Happy Birthday, sweet boy. Mommy loves you with all of her heart!

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