Monday, February 4, 2008

My god-daughter's baptism

was this weekend. It was a beautiful baptism. She is a beautiful baby. I held all Saturday and Sunday except when she needed to go to Mom to feed. She is so wonderful. Stan and Joey were a little upset because I wouldn't share her very much. LOL! Hey, I have to get my baby fix somehow. Dale and Heather's other 2 daughters, Allison and Elicia are getting so big and pretty. Nicky and Joey had a great time with them. Stan and Dale had to get in a few hours of Guild Wars, of course. (I'm completely rolling my eyes as I typed that) Anyway, it was a nice weekend, although I missed my other 4 darlings, B,S,J & J. Can't wait til next weekend to see them. Hopefully the icky sickies will stay away from both of our houses so I don't have to go 3 whole weeks without seeing them. Here's a picture.....

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