Sunday, April 27, 2008

A very bad day...

Nicky has stitches right above his eye. Around his eye is hugely swollen and black. His cousin was swinging a metal bat and Nicky walked right into it. I almost passed out when I saw him come inside. He looked like he had walked out of a horror movie. Blood everywhere and TONS of it. I, of course, immediately had a massive panic attack. So did Joey. He actually panicked so bad he got hives. I do great when it's anyone but one of my kids. Anyway, I'm really grateful that it wasn't worse. I'm grateful that it wasn't a skull fracture or eye bone fracture or his eyeball. So grateful. At the same time, I'm terrified of him sleeping tonight. I'm gonna be up all night checking on him. For the rest of the very bad day story, head over to Priscilla's blog.

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